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Selasa, 06 Juni 2017

Property Tax Lawyers If You Own A Lot

The more you own, the more you owe. Annual property tax is based on this basic principle. Unlike income tax, which is based on the wages and profits you made over the course of one year, property tax consistently charges tax on the same property each and every year, although the amount may increase or in rare cases, decrease, from year to year. You can never "pay off" taxes on a house, for instance, once and for all.

Property tax is one of the oldest forms of taxation. Local governments depended on money raised from property tax long before the federal government introduced the income tax. To this day, property tax remains largely in control of small local governments and differs by neighborhood.

While generally your local government will assess your home and land and tell you the amount you owe annually for your property tax, if you fail to claim everything that could be considered taxable property, you could wind up facing heavy penalties when the government discovers your mistake. Or what if the government could actually be charging you too much property tax and you don't even realize it?

How do you safeguard yourself from property tax error or how do you appeal when you believe that the local government made the error? What's the first step to saving yourself from potential headaches if you have any questions about your property tax? Contact a firm of property tax lawyers in your area.

Property tax lawyers can guide you through your local government's property tax rules and rates. Most people know that houses, land, business buildings, barns, and the like are subject to property tax. These are categorized as "real property" and are typically assessed in a percentage of worth (1%, for example, or $1 for every $100) or on a fixed, per-acre, per-housing-unit type of tax-your local property tax lawyers will know the local rate.

However, as many property tax lawyers will tell you, some local governments require that you claim "tangible" and "intangible" personal property as well. Property tax lawyers can assess your property and tell you if anything else needs to be claimed.

Tangible personal property includes anything movable that is worth a lot or is vital to the running of your business, such as furniture, trade tools, and equipment. Most local governments no longer charge property tax on intangible personal property, such as trademarks, assets, franchises, and deeds, but you should consult a firm of property tax lawyers to be sure that your intangible personal property doesn't qualify.

Property tax lawyers can also help you file an appeal with your local government if you think that they are overcharging you or taxing property that is worth less than the government's estimates. Consult a team of property tax lawyers to see if they think you have a case.

Property Tax Lawyers If You Own A Lot

If you need to consult a firm of property tax lawyers for an appeal or for a proper assessment of your taxable property, search through the directory of property tax lawyers at

Income Tax Lawyers Can Help You Find More Deductions

Did you know that in February 2007 more than ten million early tax filers did not realize that they qualified for the telephone tax excise refund and lost out on a $30-60 rebate? How many more people filed their income tax forms incorrectly and lost out on that rebate by April and how many more people made mistakes in their income tax forms that lost them hundreds of dollars more?
Millions of people file their income tax forms incorrectly each year, even with the help of computer programs designed to help taxpayers avoid errors. Some of these mistakes lose the taxpayer money. Many more taxpayers make the mistake of not paying the federal and state governments all that is due. When the IRS discovers these kinds of errors, the taxpayer could face severe penalties.

The bottom line is that no computer program can guarantee that you file your income tax forms properly because there is still the possibility that you mistakenly don't include all of the required information. To avoid IRS problems all together, you should consider contacting one of many income tax lawyers in your area to guide you through filing your income taxes.

Income tax lawyers know the income tax laws inside and out and they'll be able to catch any part you might have missed. Income tax lawyers often point out credits and rebates to their clients for which they may not have realized they were qualified, such as the child care credit, earned income credit, or the health coverage tax credit.

Income tax lawyers can also stop you from making a big mistake and failing to report every part of your income. Taxable income includes not only your wages, but also your savings account interest, your investment profits, and even the "extra money" you take in by selling items professionally on auction Web sites. Income tax lawyers know what you need to report and what you don't-the couple of garage sales you had this year, for instance, are not considered taxable income.

If you're already in trouble with the IRS, income tax lawyers can guide you through your next course of action. If you're facing an audit, a firm of income tax lawyers can organize your paperwork and verify the accuracy of your previous returns. If you discover that you owe the IRS thousands more, income tax lawyers can help you negotiate a long-term payment plan with the IRS so that your debt can be more manageable.

If your current economic situation is dire enough, income tax lawyers can evaluate your profile and tell you if you qualify for the IRS' Offer in Compromise, a one-time settlement for your tax debts that is much lower than the amount you initially owed. However, be wary of scam companies that claim that the Offer in Compromise is an easy way out of IRS debt. Not everyone qualifies and only a firm of professional income tax lawyers can tell you if it'd be worthwhile for you to apply.

Why risk it? You could save yourself hundreds or thousands of dollars by having professionals like income tax lawyers fill out your tax returns for you. Income tax lawyers can also help you avoid trouble-or more trouble-with the IRS. For a list of income tax lawyers near you, visit

Estate Tax Lawyer After Somebody Passes

When you've recently lost a loved one, taxes are probably the furthest thing from your mind. Still, you don't want to be in trouble with the IRS and bring even more difficulty into your life. If you are a recipient of part of or the entirety of another person's estate at his or her death, you should consult an estate tax lawyer.

An estate tax lawyer will tell you that estate taxes are due to the federal government within nine months of the person's death, so you can still take some time to recover before you have to start worrying about more taxes. Letting an estate tax lawyer handle the requirements of filing these estate taxes can save you from making errors and could save you money or help you avoid problems with the IRS.

Your estate tax lawyer will sort through the entirety of the deceased's estate, which consists of real estate property; personal property, which includes not only objects like cars and jewelry, but also cash, bank accounts, and investments; businesses and business property; and all obligations and debts owed. For properties that need to be assessed for monetary value, the estate tax lawyer will use a current fair market value, which could be more or less than the price of the properties when they were purchased.

The good news for recipients of an estate who are worried about estate taxes is that the estate tax laws are currently undergoing changes so that typically only estates belonging to the wealthiest 2% of Americans will require estate taxes to be filed at all. An estate tax lawyer will be able to accurately evaluate the estate of the deceased to see if you qualify.

For years, estate taxes needed to be filed for recipients of estates worth in excess of $1,000,000. Until 2008, that amount has been raised to $2,000,000, and by 2009, it will rise to $3,500,000. However, save for Congress extension of the Economic Growth and Tax Relief Reconciliation Act of 2001, the amount may return to $1,000,000 in 2010.

Still, even if you don't think that the estate that you have been left exceeds the appropriate amount, you should contact an estate tax lawyer as soon as possible after the loss of your loved one to be sure. Your estate tax lawyer may find that the previous owner of the estate may have had assets hidden away or the value of some of his or her property may be greater than you expected.

If you own an estate that you believe is worth in excess of $1,000,000 and you are writing a will, you may want to contact an estate tax lawyer to get an estimate on how much taxes would be due from your estate after your death. To save your loved ones the extra responsibility of filing estate taxes with an estate tax lawyer, you might want to arrange for a certain amount of cash to be set aside exclusively for payment of the estate tax.

For more information about the estate tax law, search the Internet or your Yellow Pages to meet with an estate tax lawyer in your area.

Features Of Federal Tax Law

As we all have heard a word which is commonly used by the tax attorneys that is "Federal Tax Law" but only few people are aware about its features which are mentioned below:

  1. According to it, the application of the Internal Revenue laws is done in a very limited manner.
  2. The Internal Revenue Code is subdivided into 11 categories. Out of which the first five
  3. categories are linked with the various sections of taxation, whereas the other six categories are subjected to "Procedure and Administration" which is Subtitled as "F", Joint Committee On Taxation is Subtitled as "G", Financing The Presidential Election Campaign is Subtitled as "H", Trust Fund Code is Subtitled as "I", Coal Industry Health Benefits is Subtitled as "J", and Group Health Plan Portability is Subtitled as "K".
  4. "Subtitle A" refers to Income Tax.
  5. Employment tax or social security tax is covered under "Subtitle C".
  6. The two "Subtitles A & C" are not related to each other in anyway.
  7. The "Subtitle A" covering income tax is a form of an "excise" which is, generally, charged on specific occupations or professions which has to be paid by a liability.
  8. The return filed under "Subtitle A" comes under section 6012(a). The taxable income of a liability is identified by the Internal Revenue Service in order to get it filed to OMB which is the U.S. Government's Office of Management and Budget. The Form 2555 is required instead of 1040 in order to return the file of Foreign Earned Income.
  9. The tax on wages of the employees reported by the employers is imposed under "Subtitle C" in order to build credits towards social security. On contrary, the tax on wages is not imposed on the employees under "Subtitle A".
  10. There are few legal requirements in case of wage tax imposed under "Subtitle C" which are compulsory for the employers. Also, the employer and the employee can decide voluntarily to participate in the entitlement program.
  11. For a person behaving as a fiduciary for any nonresident alien and is receiving benefits on the behalf of nonresident alien from the stock of US corporations, the Treasury Decision 2313 clarifying the Form 1040 is apt and appropriate.
  12. Section 1461 can make anyone liable under "Subtitle A", which is applied to the withholding agents like nonresident aliens and foreign corporations.

Amendments In Federal Tax Law

There are few changes which have been brought up by the American Job Creation Act which was signed into law. These changes will definitely show their impact on everyone's business in the upcoming years.
  • According to the new rule, there will be 3-9% of deduction on "Qualified Production Activities Income".
  • According to a new section under 181, the deduction will be made as an expense on the cost of making qualified films or television productions instead of making deductions over a period of ten years according to income forecast method. The change in this rule will really have an intensive impact over the producers of the motion pictures and television series.
You should clear every point of federal tax law, as well as the amendments made in it with your tax professional on time.

Difference between Tax Attorneys and Tax Preparers

The first word that strikes your mind when you are in any type of trouble with the IRS is "Tax Attorney". He is the only individual who will take you out of such tough situation in a legal manner. He also makes you to understand various legal ways to solve tax related disputes if ever they occur in future. An experienced and skilful tax attorney can easily understand the strategies of IRS and fight confidentally on the behalf of his clients.

The tax attorneys always ensure that all the assets of their clients should be used up in a very wise manner and hence, saving thousands of dollars. They provide peace of mind to their customers and take their tax burden on their shoulders.

Difference between Tax Attorneys and Tax Preparers or CPA's

It is necessary to understand the major difference between a tax attorney and a tax preparer like a CPA or a bookkeeper. Though both of them deal with the tax related matters of the client, but the attorneys cannot be forced to testify against the client in court but this is not so in the case of tax preparers, as they can be forced to testify in case of criminal trials of the customer. Therefore, it is always advisable to hire tax attorney instead of tax preparers like CPA or bookkeeper.

Role of Tax Attorneys in Getting Rid Of Tax Debts

The most perturbing and nerve-racking tax is the IRS tax debt which has to taken into consideration and to be paid off as soon as possible. The best way to overcome the problem of IRS tax debt is to hire a professional and experienced tax attorney, as he will guide you to come up with excellent outcomes. He can also workout in a best possible manner to even lower down the amount of the tax debt. There are certain programs like Offer in Compromise program and currently not Collectible status in which you can apply under his supervision and this may lead to fruitful outcomes, as the tax attorneys are well-versed with the terms and conditions of such programs and laws of IRS. Therefore, the best way to wipe out the pressure of tax debt from your life is to hire professional tax attorneys before it becomes too late.

Tips To Consider While Hunting a Tax Attorney

There are few tips which should be considered while searching for a tax attorney. Such as, you should always opt for an experienced and skilful tax attorney. You should always enquire about his background and should enquire about his capability and reliability from his existing or old clients. You should ask him to show his license of being a tax attorney of your particular state. You should always ensure that he should not hold any criminal history or any complaints registered against him. Therefore, these points will help you to find a good and trustworthy tax attorney who can sort out all your tax related issues in a legalized manner.

Tax Penalty If You've Committed Fraud

It goes without saying that purposefully committing fraud or misrepresenting income and assets will incur a hefty IRS tax penalty when discovered. However, misinformation, honest errors, unfamiliarity with tax laws, and filing taxes even one day late can result in a stiff IRS tax penalty for even the most well intentioned of taxpayers.

What's the easiest way to avoid having to pay an IRS tax penalty? First, make sure that you enlist the help of a qualified tax professional to help you file your taxes. Accountants, tax services, and especially taxation law firms are more familiar with IRS tax law and are less likely than you or a computer program to make errors when filing your taxes.

The IRS tax penalty for a "frivolous return," or a tax return with insufficient information, is $500! You could owe an extra 20% of taxes if you inaccurately report that you owe less than do, even if you had no ulterior motive and paid the amount you thought you owed.

Second, if you want to avoid an IRS tax penalty, leave yourself plenty of time before your tax due date. You have three and a half months in the year before April 15th, so avoid an IRS tax penalty on late filing of an extra 5% of your taxes owed by filing weeks, if not months, in advance.

Avoid an IRS tax penalty on late tax payments that starts at an extra .5% and increases each month thereafter by working with an accountant who will alert you of each payment due date weeks before it's due. Many taxpayers are required to make estimated income, property, or other tax payments on a quarterly basis. If you don't want an IRS tax penalty for late payment, know your due dates and make plans to set aside enough money each week to make those payments on time!

Make sure that you have all of the correct paperwork and you double check everything before you send in your tax return if you want to avoid an IRS tax penalty. If you fail to include your payee statements or include your social security number, for example, you could be fined an extra $50-100 and you will face another IRS tax penalty if you need to correct your tax return after you've already sent it in and you don't catch the mistake.

What do you do if you're already faced with an IRS tax penalty? If the IRS tax penalty is for a mistake that you did not mean to make, you may be able to write an appeal to the IRS and admit your error, pay the amount due, and ask for your IRS tax penalty to be waived. Consult an attorney who specializes in IRS tax penalty statutes to help you file your appeal.

If the IRS accuses you of fraud and purposefully withholding or misreporting information, bring your case to an IRS tax penalty lawyer. If you have purposefully committed fraud, you could face more than an IRS tax penalty of an extra 75% of the tax due, you could face jail time, and you need to settle your case with the IRS quickly.

For more information on every type of IRS tax penalty and for IRS tax penalty law firms in your area, visit